Editorial Topics: 143 Good Ideas for Article Writing

Editorial Topics: 143 Good Ideas for Article Writing

“Creating topics for editorials? Sounds lame,” most students think. “But that’s a part of studying, right?”


Choosing an editorial topic is a lot of fun. Need some proof? Well, take a look at the ideas below! With their help, you’ll definitely write an excellent editorial and, most importantly, enjoy the writing process.

Editorial Topics 101: What They Are & How to Choose Them

Let’s start with the basics.

What are editorial topics?

Well, they are issues people discuss in newspaper articles, blog posts, and other similar types of content. These topics are usually related to current events that interest the public.

Creating such writing ideas is really easy, but if you need them right now, check out our editorial topic ideas below!

The most exciting editorial topics are:

⚔️ ControversialIntroduce a conflict in your editorial title.
🌱 InnovativeIt’s better to innovate than to rehash old and trite ideas.
📙 Well-researchedEnsure that enough material is available on your chosen topic.
💡 InterestingMake sure your readers find your discussion of the issue interesting.
🎯 Narrow enoughFeel free to narrow down or expand the topic if necessary.

And with that, let’s proceed to our list of true winners among editorial topic ideas!

Controversial Editorial Topics: Intriguing & Challenging

A part of being a writer of editorials is creating articles on controversial topics. Let’s see what ideas are likely to bring you success:

  1. Abortion: common sense against social morals.
  2. Gambling: don’t sell your life for a deck of cards.
  3. Clones, GMOs… how far will genetic engineering go?
  4. When poverty rates hit the ceiling, something has to be done.
  5. Gun control: second amendment rights vs. public safety.
  6. Marijuana: beneficial plant or a gateway drug?
  7. Can pro-life activists really be called “pro-life”?
  8. Immigration reform: why a path to citizenship is necessary.
  9. Universal healthcare: is it government overreach?
  10. Death penalty is a useless punishment.
  11. Climate change: what is human-caused and what is natural.
  12. Ways to balance LGBTQ+ rights and religious freedom.
  13. Censorship in social media: does it go too far?
  14. Clash of mandatory vaccination and individual freedom.
  15. Euthanasia is an act of compassion.
  16. Is affirmative action reverse discrimination?
  17. Surveillance: can we balance privacy and national security?
  18. Promoting animal rights in traditional communities.
  19. Incentive for innovation as a way to combat income inequality.

These topics have passionate opponents and proponents. They’re perfect for thought-provoking editorials. Choose a topical social issue, and you can be sure your text will draw a lot of attention. Just make sure to be objective!

Current Topics for Editorial Writing

Alternatively, you can take an ordinary idea for discussion and make it significant. Make your paper compelling—pick a persuasive topic to write on!

  1. On violence in mass media: children see it!
  2. Alcoholic drinks commercials and other examples of TV hypocrisy.
  3. The abuse of sexual imagery in mass media.
  4. Children and animals in advertising: consumerist cuties.
  5. Banning single-use plastics: protecting the environment and wildlife.
  6. Stricter gun control measures will help reduce violence.
  7. Billionaires should be investing in renewable energy.
  8. Importance of promoting diversity in the workplace.
  9. Broader access to quality education will make communities stronger.
  10. Universal healthcare is a basic right for all citizens.
  11. Fighting food waste as a way of reducing hunger.
  12. Why comprehensive sex education in schools is essential.
  13. We need a financial reform to limit the role of money in politics.
  14. Raising the minimum wage as a way to address income inequality.
  15. Legalizing same-sex marriage globally is key to human rights.
  16. Promoting mental health awareness is essential for population’s well-being.
  17. Urgent action to preserve national parks for future generations.
  18. Providing support to small businesses will strengthen local economies.
  19. We need stricter cybersecurity regulations to protect people’s data.

These topics work best when served hot—that is, in a witty and intriguing manner. Make sure to support your discussion with evidence to persuade the readers effectively!

Good Editorial Topics for Children to Explore

Kids can also deal with complex social issues. In fact, they sometimes do it even better than adults! So, here are editorial topics for children:

  1. Is watching TV good or bad?
  2. Parents divorced: how I see it.
  3. What I think about terrorism.
  4. Don’t mock obese people: help them instead.
  5. Can a boy be friends with a girl?
  6. The magic of reading: why books are awesome.
  7. Why every kid should learn to code.
  8. What makes dogs (or cats) great companions.
  9. Best ways to actually enjoy fruits and veggies.
  10. Recycling: saving the earth one bottle at a time.
  11. How I would use my dream superpower for good.
  12. Why it’s better to spend time outdoors away from screens.
  13. The coolest places in my hometown.
  14. How acts of kindness make the world a better place.
  15. Fun science experiments I tried at home.
  16. Why I joined our school chess club.
  17. What I would do if I were president.
  18. Best activities for making the most of summer vacation.
  19. The power of imagination: why pretend play is awesome.
  20. Here’s why my favorite cartoon character is the best.

These editorial topic ideas will serve as great prompts for school newspapers, blogs, or other publications. Go ahead, kids—you know these things better than adults!

Editorial Topic Ideas for High School

It’s time to offer some help to middle school students! Try to incorporate your opinion and ideas on the following issues in your editorial:

  1. The negative effect of Internet slang on everyday language.
  2. Generation gap and the means to cross it.
  3. Being overweight: grind and bear it… or get up and fight it.
  4. Books vs. the Internet: reading means more than consuming information.
  5. My vision of a teacher: education through the eyes of a student.
  6. What opportunities does social media offer to teenagers?
  7. Bullying chronicles: why we need more effective bullying prevention programs.
  8. Here’s how to stay organized while doing homework.
  9. We should be all participating in extracurricular activities.
  10. Why I’m in favor of using technology in education.
  11. How pop culture influences the lives of middle school students.
  12. Reasons to try volunteering in your community.
  13. The power of friendship and strong relationships in today’s world.
  14. Is our homework becoming too challenging?
  15. How art and music can help in middle school education.
  16. Best internet safety tips for teenagers.
  17. How peer pressure affects our decision-making.
  18. The development of healthy eating habits in teens.
  19. Why critical thinking skills are crucial in middle school.
  20. A new argument in favor of school uniforms.

Use these editorial topics for middle school newspapers, and you’ll see that some issues never age. Perhaps you’ll be the one to find the solution to them—who knows?

Editorial Topics for College Students

Well, it’s high time you’ve had your say on current social problems! And the best way to do that is to pick one of our editorial topics for college. They will allow you to discuss issues directly related to your academic and social life, as well as broader trends.

So, the hot tickets for this year are…

  1. Joe Biden’s policy should be changed.
  2. Gay marriage as another acknowledgement of people’s rights.
  3. World economics of the XXI century: another crisis ahead.
  4. Gender discrimination in the workplace leads to worse business outcomes.
  5. To merge or not to merge: culture fusion is inevitable.
  6. The rising cost of college education: is it worth the investment?
  7. Mental health on campus: we need to address the stigma of depression.
  8. How student loan debt affects a person’s future.
  9. How does technology distract students from studying?
  10. A new look at the ethics of AI in colleges.
  11. Best approaches for climate change activism on campus.
  12. The hardships of balancing studying and social life in college.
  13. The progress we’ve made in promoting diversity in our school.
  14. My experience with co-op programs.
  15. How social media can enhance college culture.
  16. Do college rankings matter in students’ decisions?
  17. Free speech on campus: expression vs. inclusivity.
  18. Studying abroad: new experiences and cultural understanding.
  19. The future of online learning: what will happen to traditional education?
  20. Post-graduation transition: job market dreams vs. realities.

Editorial Topics for Students 2024: Forecasting 2025 Issues

Here, we present to you the hottest editorial ideas for 2024. They are also likely to maintain their appeal for the next few years and remain topical in 2025. Here they are:

  1. Meddling with god’s domain: medical and ethical perspectives on cloning.
  2. Genetic engineering: potential danger or best solution to world’s problems?
  3. Computer engineering will change the world.
  4. Environmental disasters can be prevented.
  5. Medicine: the “walking wound” and the “crisis care” conflict.
  6. The long-term impact of technology on young children.
  7. How education has changed since the COVID-19 pandemic.
  8. How do social media platforms address the mental health of their users?
  9. Latest concerns surrounding animal farming.
  10. Should businesses rectify gender pay disparities?
  11. What should be done to prevent hate speech online?
  12. Potential use of AI in treating health issues.
  13. How decentralization can help in combating illegal activities online.
  14. How should countries respond to climate-related migration?
  15. The impact of digital learning platforms on early education.
  16. Pros and cons of remote work compared to in-person work.
  17. Can stricter moderation of social media posts help combat misinformation?
  18. Should the fashion industry prioritize ethical practices over trends?
  19. How can we strike a balance between digital privacy and national security?

With these editorial topic examples, your perfect grade is just around the corner.

Editorial Topics for Discussion

Editorial discussion topics usually revolve around current events and problems. Your task is to inform readers on these topical issues in an engaging way. Check out our collection of editorial ideas to discuss:

  1. How artificial intelligence is changing the job market.
  2. How can international agreements help with climate change mitigation?
  3. The future of work: should everyone go remote?
  4. The mental health crisis in youth: beyond anxiety and depression.
  5. Can social media influence the elections?
  6. A call for a racial equity reform in criminal justice.
  7. The debate over gun control: is there a solution?
  8. Ways of making sustainable transportation more affordable.
  9. How to use video games in education.
  10. Achievements of women in leadership positions.
  11. Affordable housing in urban areas: what are the barriers?
  12. Will designer babies ever be legalized?
  13. How can traditional media compete with streaming services?
  14. Can universal basic income put an end to financial inequality?
  15. Will cybersecurity measures ever be able to resist all possible threats?
  16. Telemedicine, AI diagnosis, and other future trends in healthcare.
  17. The lasting effects of social isolation during the pandemic.
  18. Conservation measures against the global water crisis.
  19. The role of big tech in today’s internet and beyond.
  20. SpaceX: myths and facts about space exploration opportunities.
  21. Will mental health stigma reduction improve access to treatment?
  22. How can we develop a just immigration policy?
  23. Greta Thunberg and other youth activists advocating for climate change action.
  24. How blockchain technology is changing finance.
  25. Modern food culture trends: plant-based diets and sustainability.

Creating Editorial Ideas: Best Tips

So, with these topics, we conclude… Hold on, where are you going? We have some additional tips for you!

What if you want to develop your own editorial topic? Well, here’s what you can do:

  • Use witty phrases, idioms, and pop culture references to keep the reader’s attention.
  • Avoid clichés and repetitive sentence structures.
  • Help the reader see the problem from a new angle.
  • Focus on a current event or thing people are actively talking about.
  • Try not to write broad or vague topics; instead, narrow down your focus.
  • Consider who will be reading your editorial and what topics will interest them.
  • Try to develop a controversial theme: it will likely be very engaging.
  • Try to frame your title as a question to encourage your readers to think about the issue.
  • Avoid long or confusing titles: keep it short and sweet instead.
  • Consider topics related specifically to your community to make your writing more relevant.
  • Make sure your editorial title is ethical and doesn’t contain misinformation.

Well, there’s no need to cry “I need topics!” anymore—now you are ready to create one of the most successful editorials ever.

Good luck!